

Profile Pic

<<an aspiring game developer>>
...and Catch Fire

Technologies I have used through the years and am familiar with:
+ C and C++ for personal projects and during Univeristy.
+ Odin lang purely for personal projects and enjoyment.
+ Winsock2 and SFML Net.
+ REST Api and SignalR websockets through Unity.
+ C# profesionally with the Unity Game Engine.
+ Unreal 4.2X and 5.X professionally and during University.
+ D3D11/GLUT 3/OpenGL.
+ TypeScript and Angular.
+ Scrum and Agile methodologies.
+ Jira/Azure DevOps/Trello.
+ Visual Studio 2022, VSCode, Rider, Neovim.
+ RemedyBG, GDB Debugger, Visual Studio/Rider Debugger.